mit Linda Krieg
Have you owned a ukulele for a while and don't just want it to be a pretty tiki decoration? Or you just want to get to know the instrument and its possibilities?
Then this workshop is for you!
A ukulele is small, relatively easy to play and a lot of fun. Here you will learn the basic techniques of the Hawaiian cult instrument.
With the most common strumming patterns and a few chords, you can play many songs and accompany yourself when singing with a little practice. There are also tips on this.
No previous knowledge is necessary.
If possible, please bring your own instrument.
If you cannot organise or bring an instrument, you can borrow a ukulele on site (limited number); please enquire when registering.
Sunday, 08 June 2025, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Participants: min. 4 - max. 12
Price: 30,-€
Registrations by 02.06.2025 at the latest at:
Linda Krieg is a blues harp player, singer and songwriter and has been accompanying herself on the ukulele for years.
As an experienced music teacher, she gives lessons and workshops.
In the duo ‘Mrs Linda & Mr Hell’ with Oliver Hell, she plays blues, swing and rockabilly.
Music & Lyrics by Linda Krieg
Rattlesnakin' Daddy by Georgia White
Exactly Like You / Devil Ridin' / Tug Boat (Music & Lyrics by Linda Krieg)
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