Learn the first basic figures of the Rockabilly Jive with us so that you can get started on the dance floor in the evening
The rockabilly jive dates back to the 50s. There is no set basic step, the important thing is the rhythm. You lead with your hands, but you can bring your own style to the footwork.
Let's get back to the roots. Simple, classic and no frills.
We want to revive the dance feeling of the past and invite you to take part in this dance journey through time.
Come alone or with a partner. No previous knowledge is necessary.
Just try it out and have fun.
Sunday, 08 June 2025, 12:15 - 13:15
Monday, 09 June 2025, 12:15 - 13:15
No registration necessary
If you want to continue dancing or need information:
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