for beginners and slightly advanced
with Linda Krieg
It fits in every pocket, sounds great and is fun to play: the harmonica, also known as the ‘blues harp’.
This workshop teaches you everything you need to know about this small and versatile instrument: chords, melody and licks, simple accompaniment rhythms, producing bluesy notes, breathing properly, getting a good tone and much more.
Here you will get an insight into the many possible uses of this exciting instrument!
No knowledge of sheet music is required
Please bring your own: Diatonic harmonica (Richter model) in the key of C.
Sunday, 08 June 2025, 16:00 - 18:00
Participants: min. 4 - max. 12
Price: 30,-€
Registrations by 02.06.2025 at the latest at:
Linda Krieg is a blues harp player, singer and songwriter.
As an experienced music teacher, she gives lessons and workshops.
In the duo ‘Mrs Linda & Mr Hell’ with Oliver Hell, she plays blues, swing and rockabilly.
Rattlesnakin' Daddy by Georgia White
Exactly Like You / Devil Ridin' / Tug Boat (Music & Lyrics by Linda Krieg)
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