The flea market will once again take place on Saturday from 09 am to 13 pm, on the lawn of the Leonardo Hotel.
There is NO alternative location. If the flea market cannot take place due to heavy rain or similar, it will unfortunately have to be cancelled.
At the Leonardo Hotel, Roter Straße, 69190 Walldorf
Saturday 7th June 2025
from 9am to 1pm.
Free, like every year.
Booth fees:
Weekender guests are allowed to sell free of charge, no matter if they are day or weekend guests.
For other sellers, stand fees are charged: 55 € for 3 meters.
Selling conditions:
Exclusively goods and offers which fit into our event and customers criteria to be sold.
Building and Taking Down:
Set-up from 8.00 am
Dismantling from 1.00 - 2.00 pm
Status 24.02.2025
1. private vendors are authorised to participate. The market manager decides on the admission of individual vendors and the range of goods on offer.
2. stand construction times Saturday from 08.00 - 09.00 a.m., dismantling from 1.00 p.m. in the afternoon.
3. the organiser assumes no liability for changes of any kind or cancellation of the flea market.
4. the allocation of stands is in the order of registration. The stand must be registered in advance, at the latest by 01.06.2025 under ...form follows....
1. if places are still available, a confirmation will be given until no more places are available.
2. exhibitors who arrive WITHOUT registration will probably not be able to get a stand space.
5. the stand fee of 55€/running metre will be collected during the event. Please have your stand fee ready. Weekender guests will not be charged a stand fee.
6. reservations are possible, spaces are reserved until 08.30 a.m., then released for other exhibitors.
7. the stand area must be left clean and rubbish must be taken away. This also applies - please - to your own cigarette butts.
8. the following may not be offered for sale New goods, food, animals, new goods, illegal products, weapons (in accordance with the Federal Weapons Act WaffG), pornographic, violence-glorifying and National Socialist written and piece goods, stolen goods, pirated copies, plagiarised goods and stolen goods.
9. the organiser accepts no liability for any goods purchased at the market.
10. it is forbidden to advertise / distribute flyers without the consent of the market management.
11. the instructions of the market management and the employees of the flea market team must be followed at all times. In the event of non-compliance and violation of these rules, an expulsion order may be issued.
12 The organiser is not liable for personal injury or damage to property of any kind.
13. escape routes must be kept clear at all times!
The information published here is the planned and posted data. The organizer nevertheless expressly reserves the right to make changes in the line-up, program and at the indicated times.